Anupam Mahato
2 min readSep 21, 2023

Complete MERN Stack Developer Roadmap

Part 1: Frontend

1. Learn the basics:
- Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript thoroughly as these are the building blocks of web development.

2. Master Javascript:
- Dive deeper into JavaScript to understand its concepts, ES6 features, and asynchronous programming (Promises, async/await).

3. Learn the basics of React:
- Start with React's official documentation and introductory tutorials.
- Build simple components like buttons, forms, and lists.

4. State and Props:
- Learn how to manage component state and pass data via props.
- Create interactive components that respond to user input.

5. Component Lifecycle:
- Understand the lifecycle methods in React.
- Implement lifecycle methods like componentDidMount for data fetching.

6. React Router:
- Integrate React Router to manage routing in your single-page application.
- Build multiple pages with navigation.

7. State Management (Optional):
- Explore state management libraries like Redux or use React's - Context API for more complex applications.

8. Practical Project:
- Build a small project like a To-Do list app or a simple blog using React.

Part 2: Backend

1. Introduction to Node.js:
- Begin with Node.js by creating a simple "Hello World" server.
- Understand the basics of event-driven, non-blocking I/O.

2. Setting Up Express.js:
- Learn Express.js and set up a basic server using Express.
- Create routes, handle requests, and serve static files.

3. API Development:
- Build RESTful APIs using Express.js.
- Create routes for CRUD operations (e.g., create, read, update, delete).

4. Middleware:
- Implement middleware for tasks like authentication, error handling, and request logging.

5. Database Integration:
- Connect your Express.js server to MongoDB using a library like Mongoose.
- Store and retrieve data from the database.

6. Authentication and Authorization:
- Add user authentication using libraries like Passport.js.
- Secure your API routes with proper authorization.

7. Practical Project:
- Create a simple backend API that serves data to your React front end.
- For example, a user authentication system or a basic blog API.

Part 3: Integration ( Full-Stack)

1. Combine your React front end with your Node.js and Express.js backend.
- Make API requests from React to fetch and display data.

2. Implement Authentication Flow:
- Implement a user authentication flow, allowing users to register, log in, and access protected resources.

3. Deployment:
- Deploy your full-stack MERN application to a cloud platform like Heroku, AWS, or Vercel.

4. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
- Set up CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

5. Final Full-Stack Project:
- Build a comprehensive full-stack project, such as a social media platform, e-commerce site, or a content management system.

Anupam Mahato

Data Science🚀 | Programming✨️ | AI-ML🧠 | Prompt Engineering🎯 | Data Analytics🧵 | wanna be a quant🕹